A training program for early-career quantum physics researchers to create and build their personal science outreach portfolios
Increase understanding of types of outreach, different audiences, and help students realise that what works for them personally and academically.
Provide practical experience of outreach through a wide range of activities.
Increase understanding of the benefits of outreach.
Create a suite of outreach products.
Create an outreach portfolio to document experience, tools and skills.
What are QuSCo students’ personal motivation to do outreach?
Eliminate scientific misconceptions.
Motivate women and underprivileged groups to explore science.
Extend my personal CV.
Make research more accessible to society.
Share my love for science.
To show that researchers are also normal people, not all geniuses.
Communicate with industry stakeholders and policymakers.
Training my communication skills.
Improve my personal knowledge and understanding.
Stage 1: Workshop/ Session
Stage 2: 1st Draft
Stage 3: Peer-Feedback Process
Stage 4: 2nd Draft
Stage 5: Expert feedback
Stage 6: Final Product
Timeline of the sessions
March 2019:
Blog, Infographic, Simulation
September 2019
Scinote + Composer
June 2020
Benefits of outreach
August 2020:
Outreach tools and Activities
September 2020:
Inquiry-based learning
October 2020:
Outreach Portfolio
January 2021:
Portfolio presentation
January 2021:
European Researchers’ Meet
Gallery of outreach products
Outreach portfolios
Nimba Oshnik
Nimba Oshnik Technical University of Kaiserslautern/University of Saarland In the laboratory, I primarily work with a confocal microscope-based quantum spin...
Max Werninghaus Max Werninghaus, IBM Research Zurich My research concerns the control of finite- and infinite-dimensional quantum systems, via mathematical...
Federico Roy University of Saarland; IBM research Zurich Superconding qubits are macroscopic devices that exhibit quantum behaviour. This has advantages...