Science Outreach Training

Science Outreach Training

A training program for early-career quantum physics researchers to create and build their personal science outreach portfolios


  • Increase understanding of types of outreach, different audiences, and help students realise that what works for them personally and academically.
  • Provide practical experience of outreach through a wide range of activities.
  • Increase understanding of the benefits of outreach.
  • Create a suite of outreach products.
  • Create an outreach portfolio to document experience, tools and skills.

What are QuSCo students’ personal motivation to do outreach?

  • Eliminate scientific misconceptions.
  • Motivate women and underprivileged groups to explore science.
  • Extend my personal CV.
  • Make research more accessible to society.
  • Share my love for science.
  • To show that researchers are also normal people, not all geniuses.
  • Communicate with industry stakeholders and policymakers.
  • Training my communication skills.
  • Improve my personal knowledge and understanding.


Stage 1: Workshop/ Session

Stage 2: 1st Draft

Stage 3: Peer-Feedback Process

Stage 4: 2nd Draft

Stage 5: Expert feedback

Stage 6: Final Product

Timeline of the sessions

  • March 2019:

    Blog, Infographic, Simulation

  • September 2019

    Scinote + Composer

  • June 2020

    Benefits of outreach

  • August 2020:

    Outreach tools and Activities

  • September 2020:

    Inquiry-based learning

  • October 2020:

    Outreach Portfolio

  • January 2021:


    Portfolio presentation

  • January 2021:


    European Researchers’ Meet

Gallery of outreach products






Outreach portfolios

Nimba Oshnik

Nimba Oshnik Technical University of Kaiserslautern/University of Saarland In the laboratory, I primarily work with a confocal microscope-based quantum spin...

Simone Magaletti

Simone Magaletti Thales I am Simone Magaletti and I was born in Bari (Italy). After my master degree in Physics...

Marwa Garsi

Marwa Garsi Technology Transfer Initiative – SQUTEC "Crystals are like people, it is the defects in them which tend to...

Amit Devra

Amit Devra Technical University of Munich, Germany I am pursuing a Ph.D. from TU Munich in the group of Prof....

Max Werninghaus

Max Werninghaus Max Werninghaus, IBM Research Zurich My research concerns the control of finite- and infinite-dimensional quantum systems, via mathematical...

Shaeema Zaman Ahmed

Shaeema Zaman Ahmed University of Aarhus I am Shaeema, and I am exploring the potential of gamification of quantum optimal...

Phila Rembold

Phila Rembold University of Padua - Jülich Research Centre - University of Ulm I am a PhD student working on...

Federico Roy

Federico Roy University of Saarland; IBM research Zurich Superconding qubits are macroscopic devices that exhibit quantum behaviour. This has advantages...

Fernando Gago Encinas

Fernando Gago Encinas University of Kassel My name is Fernando Gago and I was born in Madrid, Spain. I finished...

Tiantian Zhang

Tiantian Zhang Vienna Technical University I am Tian Tian and I am a PhD student in experimental matter-wave interferometry at...

Alastair Marshall

Alastair Marshall NVISION My name is Alastair and I’m currently doing my PhD within NVision Imaging Technologies, a Quantum technology...

Emmanuele Albertinale

Emmanuele Albertinale French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission In my research I focus on detection of microwave photons using...

Vardan Martikyan

Vardan Martikyan Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté My name is Vardan Martikyan. I was born in Yerevan, Armenia. I received my...

Andrea Muni

Andrea Muni National Center for Scientific Research – Collège de France I was born in Tortona (Italy) on 19th October...

Eugenio Pozzoli

Eugenio Pozzoli French Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation My research concerns the development of mathematical methods to...