A Tale of Claw Machines and Quantum Mechanics
Phila's first blog entry!...
I am a PhD student working on the optimal control of different quantum systems including Nitrogen Vacancies (NV centres) in diamonds, Bose Einstein Condensates and Rydberg Atoms. I completed my Masters’ degree in theoretical physics in 2018 at the University of St Andrews, Scotland. My Masters’ dissertation was concerned with the shaping of electron wave packets using amplitude masks and phase plates. Beforehand, I gathered research experience during several internships in fields ranging from Astrophysics through the material science of fusion reactors to simulating particle detectors at Fermilab.
My main focus now lies on NV centres which are especially interesting as their quantum state is comparatively easy to manipulate. Once set, the state does not change by itself even at room temperature for a reasonable time. This makes them an ideal candidate to create qubits. I am working on an algorithm, previously developed in the groups of my two supervisors, Simone Montangero (University of Padua) and Tommaso Calarco (Forschungszentrum Jülich/Univerity of Cologne), to optimise the pulses that can manipulate these quantum states. NV centres cannot only be used as single qubits but may also be entangled, combined to create quantum registers or serve as magnetic sensors. Optimisation strategies, both on the theoretical and experimental side, are crucial to ensure the success of any of those applications. Hence, I work in a number of collaborations with experimental groups in Ulm, Kaiserslautern and Vienna to test and ensure the applicability of my work.
Phila's first blog entry!...
Inquiry-based Learning
Youtube Video (link)
QuSCo produced an outreach video on how we can enhance quantum sensors with optimal control and I got to do the explaining!
Produced by Aviv Kosloff
Wiki Scientist Course (link)
During this course I learned how to edit Wikipedia articles and set out with my fellow participants to increase the availability and accuracy of information about quantum science on Wikipedia. To do so I received a scholarship by APS Quantum.
Outreach Workshop III
As part of a series of outreach courses, I learned about how to present defficult content to Highschool students.
(C) Photo by Agnieszka Boeske on Unsplash
Scilight (link)
I designed a graphic and revised a small article to outline a recently published review paper for a broader audience.
Cyber Mentor
As part of a mentorship project, I exchanged experiences with a female Highschool student who considered a career in science.
Outreach Workshop II (link)
As part of a series of outreach courses, I learned about how to present difficult content to Highschool students. I was part of the organising committee for this event.
(C) Photo by Stefano Segato on Unsplash
Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting (link)
Participating in the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting 2019 provided me with alot of inpiration. The various activities there were designed to accomodate the exchange of knowledge and experience.
Diamond Quantum Technologies – Poster Award (link)
I received a Poster award for my contribution on the polarisation of NV centers at the 693. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on Diamond Quantum Technologies.
Outreach Workshop I (link)
As part of a series of outreach courses, I learned about how to present defficult content to Highschool students.