Spins, shapes and much more
Amit's first blog entry!...
I am pursuing a Ph.D. from TU Munich in the group of Prof. Steffen Glaser. Our group is mainly focussed on theory and numerical analysis of quantum control. My current work is focussed on designing a novel technique for Wigner process tomography for unknown quantum propagators and to demonstrate this experimentally using NMR spectroscopy. I am also working on controllability and observability in quantum systems.
To download my poster click here
To download the inquiry-based learning worksheet click here.
To download my outreach portfolio presentation: click here.
This two-day event was organized by the Technical University of Munich (TUM) for high-school girls students. Read a blog about this event: click here.
This event was organized at TU Munich by the Bavarian Academy of Sciences (BAdW) in which over a hundred students participated. Students used SpinDROPS app to visualize the dynamics and the control of spin systems.