
Here we list all the current publications which involve our students and acknowledge the project.

When the article is not directly available in open access on the publisher’s website (gold open access). We also include the links to the ARXIV versions (green open access).

Published Papers

  • O. R. Opaluch, N. Oshnik, R. Nelz, E. Neu “Optimized Planar Microwave Antenna for Nitrogen Vacancy Center Based Sensing Applications” Nanomaterials 2021, 11(8), 2108 (2021)
  • M. Werninghaus, D. Egger, S. FilippHigh-speed calibration and characterization of superconducting quantum processors without qubit reset” PRX Quantum 2 , 020324 (2021)
  • F. Borselli, M. Maiwöger, T. Zhang, P. Haslinger, V. Mukherjee, A.Negretti, S. Montangero, T. Calarco, M. Bonneau, J. Schmiedmayer “Two-particle Interference in Double Twin-atom-beams” Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 083603 (2021) arXiv:2009.13438
  • S. Zaman Ahmed, J. H. Mohr Jensen, C. A. Weidner, J. J. Sørensen, M. Mudrich, J. F. Sherson Quantum Composer: A programmable quantum visualization and simulation tool for education and researchAmerican Journal of Physics 89, 307 (2021)arXiv:2006.07263
  • M. Werninghaus, D. J. Egger, F. Roy, S. Machnes, F. K. Wilhelm, S. Filipp, “Leakage reduction in fast superconducting qubit gates via optimal control.” npj Quantum Inf 7, 14 (2021)  Collaboration between IBM and USAAR
  • J. H. M. Jensen, M. Gajdacz, S. Zaman Ahmed, J. H. Czarkowski, C. Weidner, J. Rafner, J. J. Sørensen, K. Mølmer, J. F. Sherson “Crowdsourcing human common sense for quantum control” Phys. Rev. Research 3, 013057  (2021)
  • M. Ganzhorn, G. Salis, D. J. Egger, A. Fuhrer, M. Mergenthaler, C. Müller, P. Müller, S. Paredes, M. Pechal, M. Werninghaus, S. Filipp Benchmarking the noise sensitivity of different parametric two-qubit gates in a single superconducting quantum computing platformPhys. Rev. Research 2, 033447 (2020)
  • R. C. Teixeira, A. Larrouy, A. Muni, L. Lachaud, J.-M. Raimond, S. Gleyzes, M. Brune “Preparation of Long-Lived, Non-Autoionizing Circular Rydberg States of StrontiumPhys. Rev. Lett. 125, 263001  (2020) arXiv:2006.15921
  • V. Ranjan, J. O’Sullivan, E. Albertinale, B. Albanese, T. Chanelière, T. Schenkel, D. Vion, D. Esteve, E. Flurin, J. J. L. Morton, P. Bertet “Multimode storage of quantum microwave fields in electron spins over 100 ms.” Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 210505  (2020) arXiv:2005.09275
  • V. Martikyan, A. Devra, D. Guéry-Odelin, S. Glaser, D. Sugny “Robust control of an ensemble of springs: Application to Ion Cyclotron Resonance and two-level Quantum Systems” Phys. Rev. A 102, 053104 (2020) arXiv:2007.08402
  • A. A. Diaz V., V. Martikyan, S. J. Glaser, D. Sugny “Purity Speed Limit of Open Quantum Systems from Magic SubspacesPhys. Rev. A 102, 033104 (2020)  arXiv:2005.1459
  • C. Weidner, S. Zaman Ahmed, J. Jensen, J. Sherson, and H. Lewandowski, ”Investigating student use of a flexible tool for simulating and visualizing quantum mechanics”, presented at the Physics Education Research Conference 2020, Virtual Conference, 2020,
  • P. Rembold, N. Oshnik, M. M. Müller, S. Montangero, T. Calarco, E. Neu Introduction to Quantum Optimal Control for Quantum Sensing with Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers in Diamond” AVS Quantum Sci. 2, 024701 (2020)  Collaboration between FZJ, UNIPD and USAAR
  • R. Lescanne, S. Deléglise, E. Albertinale, U. Réglade, T. Capelle, E. Ivanov, T. Jacqmin, Z. Leghtas, and E. Flurin “Irreversible Qubit-Photon Coupling for the Detection of Itinerant Microwave Photons”, Phys. Rev. X 10, 021038 (2020)
  • F. Ziem, M. Garsi. H. Fedder, J. Wrachtrup, Quantitative nanoscale MRI with a wide field of view”, Scientific Reports 9, 12166 (2019)
  • S. Probst, V. Ranjan, Q. Ansel, R. Heeres, B. Albanese, E. Albertinale, D. Vion, D. Esteve, S.J. Glaser, D. Sugny, P. Bertet, “Shaped pulses for transient compensation in quantum-limited electron spin resonance spectroscopy“, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 303, 42 (2019) Collaboration between CEA, TUM and UBFC
  • M. H. Goerz, D. Basilewitsch, F. Gago-Encinas, M. G. Krauss, K. P. Horn, D. M. Reich, C. P. Koch. “Krotov: A Python implementation of Krotov’s method for quantum optimal control.” SciPost Phys. 7, 080 (2019)
  • A. Omran, H. Levine, A. Keesling, G. Semeghini, T. T. Wang, S. Ebadi, H. Bernien, A. S. Zibrov, H. Pichler, S. Choi, J. Cui, M. Rossignolo, P. Rembold, S. Montangero, T. Calarco, M. Endres, M. Greiner, V. Vuletić, M. D. Lukin, “Generation and manipulation of Schrödinger cat states in Rydberg atom arrays”, Science 365(6453), 570–574 (2019) arXiv.1905.05721 Collaboration between FZJ and UNIPD
  • V. Martikyan, D. Guéry-Odelin, D. Sugny, “A comparison between optimal control and shortcut to adiabaticity protocols in a linear control system”, Phys. Rev. Applied 10, 044030 (2018) arXiv 1910.10613
  • D. Egger, M.WerninghausPulsed reset protocol for fixed-frequency superconducting qubits”, Phys. Rev. Applied 10, 044030 (2018)  arXiv:1802.08980
  • P. Konzelmann, T. Rendler, V. Bergholm, A. Zappe, V. Pfannenstill, M. Garsi, F. Ziem, M. Niethammer, M.Widmann, S.-Y. Lee, P. Neumann, J. Wrachtrup, “Robust and efficient quantum optimal control of spin probes in a complex (biological) environment. Towards sensing of fast temperature fluctuations”, New J. Phys. 20 123013 (2018)  Collaboration between NVIS and TTI


N. Staudenmaier, A. Vijayakumar-Sreeja, S. Oviedo-Casado, G. Genov, D. Cohen, D. Dulog, T. Unden, N. Striegler, A. Marshall, J. Scheuer, C. Findler, J. Lang, I. Schwartz, P. Neumann, A. Retzker, F. JelezkoPower-law scaling of correlations in statistically polarised nano-NMRarXiv:2203.11161 

M. Maiwöger, M. Sonnleitner, T. Zhang, I. Mazets, M. Mallweger, D. Rätzel, F. Borselli, S. Erne, J. Schmiedmayer, P. Haslinger “Observation of Light-Induced Dipole-Dipole Forces in Ultracold Atomic Gases”

A. Marshall, T. Reisser, P. Rembold, C. Müller, J. Scheuer, M. Gierse, T. Eichhorn, J. M. Steiner, P. Hautle, T. Calarco, F. Jelezko, M. B. Plenio, S. Montangero, I. Schwartz, M. M. Müller, P. Neumann “Macroscopic Hyperpolarization Enhanced with Quantum Optimal Control” arXiv:2112.15021 

N. Oshnik, P. Rembold, T. Calarco, S. Montangero, E. Neu, M. M. MüllerRobust Magnetometry with Single NV Centers via Two-step Optimization

M. Pechal, F. Roy, S. A. Wilkinson, G. Salis, M. Werninghaus, M. J. Hartmann, S. Filipp Direct implementation of a perceptron in superconducting circuit quantum hardware”

E. Pozzoli, M. Leibscher, M. Sigalotti, U. Boscain, C. P. Koch “Lie algebra for rotational subsystems of a driven asymmetric top” arXiv:2110.03263

P. J. Vetter, A. Marshall, G. T. Genov, T. F. Weiss, N. Striegler, E. F. Großmann, S. Oviedo Casado, J. Cerrillo, J. Prior, P. Neumann, F. JelezkoZero- and Low-field Nano-NMR with Nitrogen Vacancy CentersarXiv:2107.10537

S. Z. Ahmed, C. A. Weidner, J. H. M. Jensen, J. F. Sherson, H. J. Lewandowski “Student engagement and learning with Quantum Composer” arXiv:2104.13260

V. Martikyan, C. Beluffi, S. J. Glaser, M. Delsuc, D. Sugny  “Application of Optimal Control Theory to Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance” Preprints 2021, 2021040201

S. Z. Ahmed, A. Hjorth, J. F. Rafner, C. A. Weidner, G. Kragh, J. H. M. Jensen, J. Bobroff, K. H. Nielsen, J. F. Sherson “A training programme for early-stage researchers that focuses on developing personal science outreach portfolios” arXiv:2103.03109

E. Albertinale, L. Balembois, E. Billaud, V. Ranjan, D. Flanigan, T. Schenkel, D. Estève, D. Vion, P. Bertet, E. Flurin “Detecting spins with a microwave photon counterarXiv:2102.01415

I. Beschastnyi, U. Boscain, E. Pozzoli “Quantum confinement for the curvature Laplacian $-\frac12\Delta+cK$ on 2D-almost-Riemannian manifold” arXiv:2011.03300

M. Pechal, G. Salis, M. Ganzhorn, D. J. Egger, M. Werninghaus, S. Filipp “Characterization and tomography of a hidden qubit” arXiv:2011.08987

M. Leibscher, E. Pozzoli, C. Pérez, M. Schnell, M. Sigalotti, U. Boscain, C. P. KochComplete Controllability Despite Degeneracy: Quantum Control of Enantiomer-Specific State Transfer in Chiral MoleculesarXiv:2010.09296

N. Wittler, F. Roy, K. Pack, M. Werninghaus, A. S. Roy, D. J. Egger, S. Filipp, F. K. Wilhelm, S. Machnes “An integrated tool-set for Control, Calibration and Characterization of quantum devices applied to superconducting qubits”  arXiv:2009.09866

U. Boscain, E. Pozzoli, M. Sigalotti “Classical and quantum controllability of a rotating 3D symmetric molecule.” arXiv:1910.01924

QuSCo Lectures

U. Boscain, M. Sigalotti, D. Sugny “Introduction to the Pontryagin Maximum Principle for Quantum Optimal Control” PRX Quantum 2, 030203 (2021)