Natively Indian, I am working in the group of Prof.Dr. Elke Neu-Ruffing at the Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität, Kaiserslautern in Germany. As part of my Ph.D. project, I worked on devising and testing quantum optimal control techniques (closed and open loop) for enhanced quantum sensing with nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond.
In the laboratory, I primarily work with a confocal microscope-based quantum spin manipulation setup. We develop, test, and implement different quantum control techniques for applications in quantum sensing with NV centers in diamonds. It is necessary to efficiently address and control these spin defects in diamonds to utilize the potential of single NV centers with an unprecedented spatial resolution for nanoscale sensing. Such quantum sensors have the potential to revolutionize the art-of-state sensing methods in the field of life sciences, material sciences, and material studies. In addition, exploring quantum control with these single-spin systems allow us to explore the realm of quantum physics.
Within the QuSCo network, we have constantly worked on the outreach and dissemination of our research work, with the belief that even a non-expert can understand the complexities of quantum physics. Please check out my blog entry and video below to learn about what we do with diamonds in the lab.