19 Jun Introduction to Quantum Optimal Control for Quantum Sensing with Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers in Diamond
We are glad to announce the publication of “Introduction to Quantum Optimal Control for Quantum Sensing with Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers in Diamond”.
The paper, available on AVS Quantum Science, is very comprehensive review on Optimal Control with NV centers prepared by the ESRs Nimba Pandey Oshnik (USAAR/TUK) and Phila Rembold (FZJ/UNIPD). The article is the result of a collaboration between three QuSCo nodes: Forschungszenztum Jülich, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, and Università degli Studi di Padova, led respectively by Prof. Tommaso Calarco, Prof. Elke Neu-Ruffing, and Prof. Simone Montangero.
“Diamond based quantum technology is a fast emerging field with both scientific and technological importance. With the growing knowledge and experience concerning diamond based quantum systems, comes an increased demand for performance. Quantum optimal control (QOC) provides a direct solution to a number of existing challenges as well as a basis for proposed future applications. Together with a swift review of QOC strategies, quantum sensing and other relevant quantum technology applications of nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond, we give the necessary background to summarize recent advancements in the field of QOC assisted quantum applications with NV centers in diamond.”
The article is available in Open access and acknowledges the EU project QuSCO.