13 Jan Esprit Sorcier video on Quantum Computer created in collaboration with Emanuele Albertinale
Emanuele Albertinale
In the Quantronics group at CEA-Saclay we invent, fabricate and exploit superconducting circuits to investigate the properties of quantum systems.
The whole process chain is carried out in the lab, starting from the conception of an experiment, the design and simulation of a superconducting circuit and the development of the fabrication process. Last steps involve testing the device in a dilution refrigerator an finally using it to perform experiments like the study of spin defects in solid and of superconducting atomic contacts.
This video realized as a collaboration between CEA and the french divulgation show “L’esprit sorcier” follows us in the lab to track all the step of the process.
The video will soon appear on the “Esprit Sorcier” youtube channel!
Unfortunately, since the video is produced by an external company and, besides my time, we did not use any of the QuSCo resources, we could not fully acknowledge our project QuSCo.