QuSCo @ EQTC19

During this week in Grenoble (FR), the 1st international conference of the European Quantum Flagship (European Quantum Technologies Conference – EQTC19) is taking place. EQTC19 provides a full coverage of European and International advances in quantum technologies, a full update on the European Flagship momentum, strategies and opportunities including reports from the Strategic Research Agenda, Innovation, Gender, and Education Working Groups of the Quantum Flagship.

Our project coordinator Christiane Koch, is part of the scientific committee of the conference.

QuSCo’s PIs and students are deeply involved in the event, which is a great opportunity to promote the Quantum technology field.

Directly at the conference the following PIs, members of our consortium, are present:

  • Tommaso Calarco from FZJ (chair of Quantum Community network, member of the Flagship Coordination Office – FCO -), one of the inspirers of EQCT19, is part of the introductory session and one of the chairs of the flagship governance session;


  • Thierry Debuisschert from Thales, (member of the FCO, chair of the Scientific and Engineering Board), is keynote speaker and one of the chairs of the flagship governance session;


  • Frank Wilhelm-Mauch (WP leader for training both in QuSCo and the QSA as well as coordinator of Flagship project OpenSuperQ) part of the organising board of the E ucation and training in quantum technologies workshop @EQCT,19 who gave a talk on “Open Superconducting Quantum Computer”


  • Ilai Schwartz from NVIS (representing also project MetaboliQs), who gave a talk concerning the aim of the project MeaboliQs;


  • Jacob Sherson from AU (representing both scienceathome.org and quatomic.org) who gave a talk titled “Quantum games and simulations for research, education and outreach” and, along with the AU ESR Shaeema Ahmed, presented a poster.

Moreover, you can follow the live update from both Jacob and Shaeema on twitter (@jacobsherson and @shaeema_zaman ) or you can follow them directly on the live feed on our homepage.

For more information on the conference, please visit: QT.EU and eqtc19.sciencesconf.org